It finally feels like summer has arrived. I’ve been savoring
every moment of the sunshine and taking the time to stop and admire how the sun
makes everything in this beautiful city look even more radiant. My husband and
I went for a walk the other night around sunset and were in awe with what we
witnessed as one of the most beautiful sunsets we’ve ever seen. We turned to it
each other, pinched one another in the arm and exclaimed, “We live here!” How
cool is that?! All the while my family members were roasting on the east coast.
We’re headed to visit them at the end of this month and are hoping it cools off
by then.
Celebrating my Nia Teaching Anniversary
Classes are going well and I am enjoying seeing new faces
and returning students that have been away for a while. On August 1st
I celebrate entering my third year of teaching. Time has flown by and while I
think I’ve finally found my groove as a teacher I hope I always retain my
beginner’s mind and body. I am revisiting old routines and discovering them
anew and sharing them with great excitement because I can finally count and
remember the steps without holding my breath and concentrating too hard! Did
you know that I used to hold my breath because I was afraid I’d forget the
choreography and cues? Did you know that I forgot my own name the first time I
ever taught a class? I giggle when I think about it.
Sharing Nia with my Family and Friends
On July 28, 2012 I get to share Nia with my family and
friends in NY. I am so excited to share what I love with them and I need to
remind myself to keep the class to an hour because I put together an initial
playlist with like twenty songs. I don’t want to scare them away! The person I
want to be there the most is my mother and my fingers and toes are crossed that
she feels well enough to come. I will give you a full report when I return.
Events, Special Classes and Sunday Change
Now onto news! Below is what’s coming up in special classes,
events and changes to my Sunday morning class:
This week -
I am subbing for Susan Tate on Thursday, July 12 at 6pm and
Saturday, July 14 at 9:30am at The Dance Space in Greenwood. Feel free to drop-in
for $15 on Thursday for $7 on Saturday. Yes, I said $7 on Saturday!
Second Friday Nia-Yoga
Friday, July 13, 2012
Time: 7:30pm – 8:45pm
Where: The Dance Space in Greenwood, 124 N 103rd Street
Seattle, WA 98133
Cost: $13 drop-in or use my class card.
Bring a yoga mat.
End your workweek with this invigorating and relaxing class
co-taught by me and certified yoga instructor, Liziah
Woodruff. This class includes 45 minutes of Nia and 30 minutes of Viniyoga: a
highly adaptable, meditative, relaxing and healing form of yoga. We’ve also
recently introduced yoga-dance choreography to transition from Nia to Yoga.
It’s been wonderful!
This class will leave you with a healthy body, quiet mind, open heart and vibrant
spirit. The perfect way to end your workweek and welcome your weekend!
Rock Nia Benefit for Colorado
Friday, July 20, 2012
Time: 7-8 pm
Where: Mt. Baker Community Club, 2811 Mount Rainier Dr
S, Seattle, WA 98144
Join me, Mollia Jensen, Jill Pagano and Gretchen Musgrove
for a special Rock Music Nia Benefit for victims of the Colorado wild fires.
All proceeds will benefit the Pikes Peak YMCA in Colorado Springs, where Nia
teacher and trainer, Loretta Milo lives. Read
Loretta's story about making it through this harrowing time
with the help of Nia.
I am going on vacation!
I will be in NYC visiting with my family and friends and
also celebrating my 11th wedding anniversary (whoa!) from July
27-August 5.
Here is the schedule while I am in NY:
Sunday, July 29, 10:30am at Delilah’s Belly Dance
Studio –
Vinajoy Barham
Tuesday, July 31 – No Nia-Yoga class!
Thursday, August 2 – No Nia class!
Sunday, August 4 - No Nia Class!
Sunday class change:
Delilah’s Belly Dance Studio will be closing as of August 1,
2012 and so the last Sunday Nia class at the studio will be on Sunday, July 29,
2012. I am truly sad to see this beautiful space close. Delilah has created and
nurtured a studio filled with love, creativity and incredible feminine energy.
The studio may reopen so stay tuned for more. In the meantime, I have signed a
new lease at another studio in lower Fremont that I am thrilled about.

Starting on Sunday, August 12, 2012 I will be teaching my
Sunday morning Nia class at 10:30am (same time!) at Balance Studio (formerly
Planet Earth Yoga). The studio is quite special. It’s about a block away from
the Fremont Rocket and almost directly across the street from the Theo
Chocolate Factory (be still my heart). It looks like a house. You enter the
“house” and walk up the steps, walk down the short hallway and enter the studio
through French doors. The studio is 1200 sq feet of sweetness. We will have
tons of space to spread out and go wild! There is also plenty of natural light
including a skylight and the floors are super soft and clean. The sound system is sweet and the
environment has a Zen-like quality to it. It was, for me, love at first sight.
Sunday mornings will be divine here.
Here are the details again:
Sunday morning Nia - Starting on Sunday, August 12, 2012
Time: 10:30am – 11:30am
Where: Balance Studio (formerly Planet Earth Yoga), 418 N.
35th St, Seattle, WA 98103
Note: Street parking is free and there is plenty of it but give yourself time to find
a spot since the Farmer’s Market is down the street. The studio is located on N
35th St between Phinney Ave N and Evanston Ave N and is nearly
across the street from the Theo Chocolate Factory. Look for the yellow house
with the turquoise trim and orange steps. Step inside, walk up the stairs, down
the hall and look for me in the waiting area. The yoga class ends at 10:15am so
we will have to quietly wait outside the room until the yogi’s emerge and then
we dance!
Other happenings:
Nia Faculty Trainers Rachael Resch, MS PT/LMT, therapist and Randee Fox, artist and equestrian educator are co-facilitating the Nia White Belt Intensive at Blue Heron Ranch Studio in Sammamish, WA from July 14-20th. There is still time to register! You don't have to register for the training to experience the blast classes that week:
Check out this sweet little Nia teaser Community Fitness put together:
C-Fit Midweek Movie: Nia from Community fitness on Vimeo.
Let's keep dancing into and through the summer. I look forward to seeing you whenever you can tear yourself away from the sunshine!
Dancing with you always,