Sunday, December 23, 2012

#26Acts of Kindess

Yesterday, as I walked back to my car in the Safeway grocery store parking lot, I noticed an envelope on my windshield. Worried it was a ticket I quick looked around for a parking attendant and so no one. I also didn't see "tickets" on any of the other cars so I set down my grocery bag and picked up the envelope. What I received touched my heart beyond any words I can share:

The stranger who left this card for me was inspired by a movement called #26Acts of Kindness. The call of this movement is to commit to doing one act of kindess to honor all those killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy. The card I received was in honor of Jesse Lewis, age 6. Holding the card close to my heart I felt compelled to learn more about Jesse so I googled him. This precious little angel died trying to lead his fellow classmates to safety. He was playful, active, funny, loving, well-loved, passionate and brave.

Last night, I stayed up late writing up 26 cards to share with strangers. With each one I held an image of Jesse in my mind's eye. I breathed love into each card, channeling it from my heart through my arm, hands and fingers onto the pen that touched the card. This morning I invited Jesse's spirit to dance with us and our class focus was on our hands and performing random acts of kindness for ourselves and others.
Jesse Lewis, age 6. 
His mother said of him: 
"He was a force who lit up a room when he entered. 
Compassionate and caring, 
wise and soulful beyond his years."
We are all in this together. We have the capacity to create a better, more loving, safe and beautiful world for ourselves and for future generations. We can all begin with just one simple random act of kindness each day. Like the card I received from the stranger said so beautifully: "Let's make love ring louder than violence and hate." Pay it forward. Pass it on.

If you'd like to use a template to print your own #26Acts sheets, feel free to use this one (below) created by my dear friend and Nia colleague, Randee Fox, who was also deeply affected and inspired by this random act of kindness.

Happy Holidays everyone. From my heart and soul to yours.

With love,

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