The focus of tonight’s class is our upper extremities. Every gesture with the upper extremities expresses a part of you. The intent tonight is to discover self-expression through the arms, hands and fingers. Nia co-founders call these “the messengers of your heart.” When I think of my upper extremities, the first thing I think of is hugs. Who doesn’t love hugs?
Our arms and hands are not only energy portals that move chi throughout the body, they also have proprioceptors that are highly sensitive to physical sensation and relay information about our internal body conditions. If we listen, they tell us how to move to increase pleasure or decrease pain and/or discomfort. They may say: move more slowly, or gently, use less or more pressure, or move with greater speed.
One of my favorite sentences from the Nia book is this one: “Your fingers, like wands, are magical tools.” The first time I read this I immediately got up and visualized my fingers as magical wands. I found my movements were more dynamic and that my arms tired less easily. I was intentionally directing energy via my fingers and it felt not only fun, but also powerful.
Tonight, we will express ourselves by keeping our upper extremities alive and engaged.
Join me for class tonight: 5pm at NW Community Yoga, 701 NW 70th St Seattle, WA 98117.
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