I wanted to share with you the first blog post I wrote as a Nia instructor. The post provides my experience and perspective on Nia. It is even truer today than it was a year ago.
A year later, I am learning to become a better facilitator and I am the healthiest and fittest I have ever been - and I mean health from all angles: body, mind, spirit, and emotional well-being. It's not just that I have a physical practice, it's also that the philosophy of Nia (joy and pleasure) have informed the decisions I make about food, relationships, work, stress-management and self-care. I have both my Nia and Nia 5 Stages practice to thank for this optimum state of health and well-being.
I am looking forward to sharing this incredible practice with the world this year again and for years and years to come.
You can start by joining me today for Nia at 1pm at Community Fitness on Roosevelt :). Ready! Set! Go!
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First class at Crown Hill School - August 6, 2010 |
Originally published on August 6, 2010:
Today, I begin my journey as a Nia teacher, adding to my ongoing practice as a student. There is a nation of butterflies dancing away in my belly. They are dancing to the tune of both anxiety and excitement. I trust that when 6:45pm arrives, I will allow these butterflies to dance me through teaching!
As this is my first blog post on Everybody, Love your Body, I would like to share a little bit of my story with you. When people ask me, “what is Nia?” I usually respond with great enthusiasm “it’s the most fun I’ve ever had! It is a holistic fitness practice that is a blend of dance, martial arts and yoga. And I always wear a full body smile from the beginning of class straight through to the very end.” That’s a simplistic response but my energy and delivery are typically met with “wow, I would like to try it someday!” It’s not easy to explain the Nia technique using words; it’s something that must be experienced.
I prefer to share why I love Nia. It’s the only movement practice I have found that encourages me, or rather demands, that I truly be myself and “move” my own way. This works perfectly for someone like me who thrives on freedom and individuality. The practice also feeds that insatiable part of me that craves constant movement, exploration, and variety. And I learn something new about my body and the way it moves and has the potential to move every single day so that I can reach my own optimum health.
There is a concept in Nia called “The Body’s Way.” It essentially means we use the body in accord with its design, function and structure. There is another concept called “Your Body’s Way.” This is my body’s current design and way of moving. In time, with the Nia practice, a synthesis occurs between the two. It is an ongoing practice as I become more flexible, mobile, stronger, stable and agile.
These concepts are carried out in the Nia practice and provide me with a solid structure (the Body’s Way) and tremendous freedom (my Body’s Way). It is also systemic; there isn’t a single part of my body, mind, heart, or soul that isn’t moved in this practice. This practice respects and embraces my individuality, my own unique way of moving and self-expression. What more can I ask for?
Ok, maybe there is one more thing I can ask for that Nia delivers. The practice is guided by pleasure. Imagine that? No pain in fitness. In Nia, we are instructed to move in a way that feels good and invigorating and to avoid anything that hurts or is exhausting. And so I am now in the greatest shape of my life, from the inside out, and it’s all been guided by pleasure, being true to myself, and moving my own way. That, in a nutshell, is why I love Nia.
With that, here I go to share this incredible practice with others! Ready! Set! Go!
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