Monday, August 1, 2011

A Year Later

Last year, on August 1, 2010, I held my very first Nia class. It wasn’t a public class (that was coming on August 6th!) but a practice session with five dear friends: Susan, Gretchen, Teresa, Gina and Rachel. Three had done Nia before and two had never tried Nia before. Even though these were five familiar, loving and highly supportive faces, I arrived at the Dance Space with my stomach in knots. I was gripped by anxiety and terrified I’d forget the steps and cues. Terrified they’d be bored, hate Nia or think I was a terrible teacher. Oh the lies I told myself!

Trembling, I introduced myself, welcomed my five friends, set the class focus and shared the title and intent of the routine, Sanjana. I turned on the music and even with a couple of little mistakes (that only I noticed) the magic of Nia came through. Without a doubt, each time, the Joy of movement always comes through. Nia always delivers this promise.

Even if I couldn’t mentally remember what movement came next, my body memory was solid and the movements arose with such ease and reliability. The practice of Nia has reminded me that I am truly a somatic being and that movement is truly a part of my life purpose. What was affirmed for me on this first day of teaching was that I love to teach somatic movement. I had never taught anything physical prior to this day and afterwards, I instantly knew it would become an integral part of my life journey.

Sharing Nia as an educator/instructor has been a treasure. When I looked in the mirror and saw my friends moving in their own unique ways, each one expressing a movement like only they could, I knew I was home. These five beautiful women supported me with openness, love, support and encouragement. They also danced their hearts out – playing, laughing, sounding, dancing and being the moment.

What I love about teaching is playing a small part in serving as a catalyst for discovery and expression. I love the “present-ness” of it all. A huge part of Nia is being in the present moment, experiencing and tracking sensation in our bodies moment to moment and movement to movement so that we tweak and sustain in the direction of pleasure and away from pain. This message and practice has overflowed into every aspect of my life over this past year. I read an article today titled “How to Sustain Happiness.” You can read it here. The essence of the article is that happiness is found and sustained in the now. It is found in the present moment.

Teaching Nia has required of me both discipline and a complete commitment to sensation. In order to sense, I need to be in the now. Over the past year I have learned to surrender to the present moment and be with the simplicity and joy of my own movement in my body. This has been just one of the many gifts Nia has brought me this first year of teaching.

With that, I thank Nia for this gift and thank Susan, Gretchen, Teresa, Gina and Rachel for initiating me on this path. Each of them has been with me in Spirit this past year as I have learned, unlearned, re-learned and honed how to deliver this incredible practice.

This week, I will be teaching that first routine, Sanjana, again. I am approaching it with a beginners mind and body and still have those butterflies in my belly but this time the negative chatter is gone and replaced my excitement and anticipation for the wonder to come!

With a heart filled with gratitude,

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