Monday, March 7, 2011

Dance of Grace

The focus of tonight’s class is grace. The intent is to infuse our movements with kindness and compassion. Grace has many definitions but the one that resonates with me most is “elegance and beauty of movement or expression.” Tonight we will be working with circles, spirals and freeform movement.

Below is an excerpt on living a day in grace from the website the DailyOm:

“Grace is always with us. It flows like a river through our lives, artfully reminding us that there is magic and power beyond what our eyes can see."

"Imagine how it would feel to live an entire day in grace, to fully appreciate that your day is unfolding in absolute perfection. Whereas usually you might miss the magic in ordinary events and interactions, on this day you would recognize them all as little miracles. Perhaps you could begin with your first deep breaths in the morning, becoming aware that there is an abundant supply of air for you to breathe. Your lungs know just how to carry oxygen to your blood, and your blood knows where to carry it from there. This is grace at work. You might appreciate the brilliant sunshine, the warm summertime rain, or the possibilities for learning that greet you at every turn. You might notice the ease with which you do your job or laugh with a close friend. These things are also grace. Even laying your head down at the end of this day and resting in the stillness of night is grace." 

"With each opportunity you give yourself to enjoy this current of benevolence, you may discover a deeper peace. Your faith may strengthen and your heart may open. You might begin to wonder if struggle is really all that necessary after all. By living this one day in grace, you might open the door to many more."

Read the complete entry on grace from the DailyOM here.

Join me tonight for an elegant and beautiful movement journey. Class is from 5:30pm – 6:30pm at Open Flight Studio in the University District.

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